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Visualization and Conspicuity

James M. Green, P.E. has spent over 25 years of his professional career dealing with the principles of conspicuity. This principle deals with the ability of a human subject to visualize under the ambient conditions present at the time the accident occurs. The utilization of conspicuity is also an integral part of Civil Engineering design.

In that regard, GE Engineering, PLLC (formerly Resource Engineering) has reconstructed at least a thousand accidents involving bicycles, pedestrians, automobiles, motorcycles, and heavy equipment, such as Transit Authority buses and trucks, where conspicuity is a factor.

In Civil Engineering, GE Engineering, PLLC, has had continual responsibilities regarding conspicuity in the design community through active involvement in committees through various professional societies. These societies include; the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM), the Transportation Research Board (TRB), and the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). Mr. Green, also, is asked by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and ITE to review technical papers on the issue of conspicuity.

Fränk Schleck Crashes

Fränk Schleck misjudges a tight right-hand bend and slams into the guardrail, flips over and falls down the other side. He\’s miraculously unharmed.